Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78
Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78
Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78 Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78

Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78" AMOLED BT Calling Smartwatch, TWS Connection, Voice Assistance (Black)

1899 INR/Piece

Product Details:


Fire-Boltt BSW046 1.78" AMOLED BT Calling Smartwatch, TWS Connection, Voice Assistance (Black) Price And Quantity

  • 100 Piece
  • 1899.00 - 2200.00 INR/Piece
  • 1899 INR/Piece

Product Description

Bluetooth Calling

Workout modes -This smart watch consists of 110+ sports mode to track. Keep a track of all your activities and compare history to analyze your performance. Count steps, distance, and calories burned

IP68 Water Resistant-This smart watch can withstand dust, spills, raindrops and is sweat proof

POWERFUL BATTERY ï230 Mahbattery -upto5 days battery life

Multiple Watch Faces-Unlimited Customized Built in Watch Faces and also multiple watch faces through the app

Stay Social Stay Updated ïReal Time Notifications to keep you updated with on going and around activities, events, messages, calls and much more

Music & Camera Control

Voice assistance

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